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How to Get Rid of Body Odor Forever

woman in a black top holding a deodorant

One common issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds is having body odor. It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it’s also a natural part during adolescence. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of ua smell, its effects on our lives, and how to treat it.

body odor
Photo by Godisable Jacob on Pexels.com

What is body odor?

Body odor is the smell that comes from our bodies when we sweat. Sweat itself doesn’t have a smell, until it mixes with bacteria on our skin, it can produce an unpleasant smell. The bacteria break down the sweat and release chemicals that cause the odor.

What are the main cause of smelly underarm?

There are several factors that can contribute to the causes of body odor, to name a few are in the list below.


Sweat is the primary cause of recurring underarm smell. When we sweat, it creates a moist environment that bacteria thrive in. The bacteria break down the sweat and produce chemicals that cause the smell.


The foods we eat can also contribute to the odor. Certain foods like garlic, onions, and spicy foods can cause bad breath and underarm odor.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can also cause smelly underarm. For example, people with diabetes may have a fruity or sweet smell to their breath or sweat. People with liver or kidney disease may have a musty or ammonia-like smell to their breath or sweat.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes can have sudden increase the underarm smell. For example, puberty, menstruation, and menopause can all cause changes in body smell.

Effects of smelly underarm

Experiencing smelly underarm can have several effects on our lives:

Social Stigma

Having smelly underarms can be embarrassing and lead to social stigma. People may avoid us or make negative comments about our smell.

Low Self-Esteem

Also, having unnecessary odor can also lead to low self-esteem. We may feel self-conscious about our smell and avoid social situations.

Relationship Issues

In fact, unpleasant odor can also affect our relationships. Our partners may be turned off by our smell, leading to intimacy issues.

How do I know if my underarm smells bad?

Determining whether your underarm odor is bad can be a little tricky, especially considering that everyone has a unique scent, and what may seem unpleasant to one person might not be the same for another. However, there are some obvious signs you can watch out for especially if there are sudden change in body odor:

Self-Assessment: This is the simplest method. After a day of normal activities or post-workout, take a moment to privately sniff your clothes or your armpits. If the scent is too strong or off-putting, it could indicate that your body odor is bad.

Observing Others’ Reactions: If you notice that people tend to step back from you during conversations, or subtly cover their noses, this could be a sign that your body odor is noticeable.

Persistent Smell on Clothes: If your clothes, particularly your undergarments or shirts, have a strong, lingering smell even after they’ve been washed, it could be an indication that your body odor is bad.

Frequent Comments: If friends, family, or even strangers are frequently commenting about a smell when you’re around, it might be a sign that your body odor is not as pleasant.

Remember, everyone has a natural scent, and it’s normal for it to be noticeable especially after physical activity or at the end of the day. But if the smell is particularly strong, persistently unpleasant, or accompanied by other symptoms, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare provider as it could indicate an underlying health issue.

How do I stop my underarm from smelling?

There are several treatment for body odor such as:

Good Hygiene

Having good hygiene is the most important solution for managing odor. Showering regularly with soap and water can help remove bacteria from our skin and reduce the smell.

Antiperspirants and Deodorants

Antiperspirants and deodorants can also help manage underarm smell. Thus, Antiperspirants work by reducing the amount of sweat we produce, while deodorants work by masking the smell of sweat.

Diet Changes

Making changes to our diet can also help manage underarm smell. Avoiding foods like garlic and onions can reduce bad breath and ua odor.


Drinking plenty of water helps dilute perspiration, which can reduce the underarm smell. Thus, always keep your water bottle handy.

Change clothes

Cotton is a great fabric choice because it’s breathable and helps wick away sweat.

Medical Treatment

If the underarm odor is caused by an underlying medical condition, medical treatment may be necessary. For example, people with diabetes may need to manage their blood sugar levels to reduce fruity or sweet smells.

Nevertheless, always consult with a healthcare provider if the odor persists or becomes notably strong. It could be a sign of an underlying health issue that needs attention.


Having a smelly underarm is a natural part of being human, but it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. By understanding its causes and implementing solutions like good hygiene, antiperspirants and deodorants, diet changes, and medical treatment if necessary, we can manage this issue and live more confidently.

Thus, smelly underarm is a common concern, but it’s manageable. And remember, you’re not alone. We all have our ‘smelly’ days. So, here’s to fresher days ahead!

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